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Hydro Battery

A pragmatic alternative power source

Climate Change or Climate Breakdown?

In 1988 our planet’s atmosphere reached the highest concentration of CO2 in at least a million years. Since then, each year has exceeded the previous and in 2017 we have reached well beyond threshold of 400 parts per million.

The Columbia Valley has paid a high price for its lost river bottom habitat

There is little free-running sections of the mighty Columbia river left after decades of hydro dam development in both the US and Canada. Many thought that the Revelstoke Hydro Dam would be the very last major river to be impacted by BC electricity demand, mostly to serve the rapidly growing loads from the Lower Mainland.

However, relentlessly Site C came back to life after decades of opposition.



With no need for moral imperatives

2016 will go down in history: electricity auctions in Mexico, Dubai and Chile showed that, for sunny climates, solar energy is by far the cheapest source of power. And there’s nothing sunnier than the mighty Atacama Desert in northern Chile.

Yet there’s a big BUT in front of us

Electricity demand requires continuous, steady supply.

…The imperative of Climate Change mitigation will increasingly transform our economy in North America towards a low carbon, more reliable, more interconnected Future Grid. The Hydro Battery resource, along with other energy storage technologies, will better support the already well-advanced transition towards the Electrification of Everything.

Hydro Battery has solved it

We will produce the cheapest unsubsidized 24/7 solar energy in the world. Clean. Infinitely abundant. Cheaper than coal.

How? when the sun shines, our Solar PV Plant provides electricity

1) Part of which goes to our Customer.

2) The rest is consumed to pump water up to a natural reservoir, which is let go at night to generate electricity.

Where? The Atacama Desert also has the best conditions in the world for pumped storage hydro plants

High coastal cliffs very close to the ocean, that contain natural surface concavities which can be used for the storage of seawater without the construction of dams. This dramatically minimizes the environmental footprint as well as cost.

…By utilizing a small 60 hectare lake, we can ensure the preservation of greater than 15,000 hectares of prime lands in the Peace for wildlife, farm lands and for adherence to First Nations Treaty Rights and the concept of Free, Prior and Informed Consent.
One cannot put a price on such a value exchange – but it is most certainly The Right Thing to Do.